Sautéed Apples
20 hours ago
A cooking blog for college students! There will be simple recipes, helpful cooking tips, and musings about anything related to cooking. Everything in this site is from my experience, so if you have any comments regarding my cooking and methods, let me know.
woah! These are so cool and creative. It kind of reminds me of this guy.
He draws on his kid's lunchbags each day. That's a pretty cool dad I'd say.
That's so awesome. If only I'm artistic enough to do that...
WHHHHAAAAAATTTTTT! Andrew this is awesome! I am so happy that you shared this with me! I feel that i wouldn't want to eat it because it looks soooo great! I just love food art I think that its the coolest thing ever!!
Love this post.
Check out my newest Handimals post!
This looks incredible. My mouth is watering just looking at it!
This just made me so hungry....any word on where I could find one?
They're made by AnnaTheRed for her boyfriend... so I guess you can be friends with her (or lover?). Other than that you're out of luck =D
Too cute to eat!! Very talented :)
These are amazing, really taking the idea of playing with food to the next level!
I love the Calvin and Hobbes set, really awesome!
Oh these are so cute! I'm sure it would be so much fun to not be expecting this and open the box and see one.. I'd probably freak out at first and then get so excited. Anyway-- very cool. I like the dinosaur one the best.
Digital Kitchen Scale
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